Our Work
The work of the GCRH consists of actions withn six strategic areas of the global reparations and healing movement. We call these area our Operational Framwork. To plan and achieve the goals within each area of action, the GCRH is led by a The Steering Committee and Working Group Leaders.
The Steering Committee
Working Group Leadership

The Steering Committee
Oversees the comprehensive Global Circle work plan, serve as a sounding board and advisory for each working group, and will spearheads resource development and philanthropy that supports the work of the Global Circle as a whole, and individual working groups.

Working Group Leadership
Each Working Group is led by a Lead (or Co-leads) who develops the work plan, coordinates working group participants, and initiates and manages meetings, events, and communication. Leads and Co-Leads comprise of, and report back to, the Steering Committee. Working Group Leaders and membership were initially generated from the comprehensive list of attendees from the Bellagio Convening, Vatican Action, and Accra Summit.
Our Operational Framework
This will help the network achieve collectively developed objectives in 2023 and beyond. This operational framework builds on 2022 activities by creating six working groups addressing key issue areas identified by the Global Circle:
Work plan will focus on interventions related to international institutions (e.g. G20, UN Security Council, World Bank, WTO, IMF)
Will assess the political dynamics of strategic targets, conduct power analyses, conduct research and fact-finding on key political targets, and will support overall strategy with information gathered
Work plan will focus on the advancing the reparations narrative at the global level and providing framing that influences the discourse toward the goals of the Global Circle
Will focus on building relationships across continents, forging partnerships with key allies, and strengthening existing relationships to help advance collective strategy
e.g. The Vatican – Work plan will focus on advancing the Vatican Action as well as other interventions with religious institutions
Will develop a work plan for advancing the global inter and intra-community healing agenda